What Can A Pain Management Doctor Do For Me?

3 min readApr 9, 2021

When you suffer from boy pain, joint pains, or headache, you visit a doctor who can manage your pain and give relief. They are specialists who treat the patients in the daycare clinic and send them home on the same day. The Pain Management Doctors in Florida treat their patients with medicines and other physical methods to stop the pain, going to the root source. People suffer from pain due to various ailments. The doctors treat the patients for the pains caused due to arthritis or direct injury to the tissues, nerve injuries due to stroke and accidents, and nerve injury reflected with back pain or neck pain or pain due to cancer.

Pain Management Doctors in Florida

The treatment approach

An Interventional Pain Management Florida doctor needs nine years of medical training that includes primary medical education, anesthesiology, neurology, physical rehab, and medicine. They have to have a certificate from the American Board of Pain Medicine to practice in Florida.

The treatment approach of pain management is diverse, starting with medications and other physical therapies. If the patient does not get any relief, the pain management doctors treat the patients with high doses of medicines, injections to numb the pain. They at times use transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators or TENS that pass low voltage electric current through skin pads to the affected area.

For a more advanced treatment level when pain is not relieved with medications, injections, and other procedures, some intense treatment is done using RFA and or viscosupplementation. Some chemical or heat agents are applied to the nerves during RFA. Some gel or lubricating fluid is injected into the joints for viscosupplementation. RFA is more effective in treating chronic, and arthritis pain in the spine and viscosupplementation is used for arthritis pain. The pain management doctor may give some strong medicine along with the above treatments to better the results.

The most challenging process of treatment is doing implants using a spinal cord stimulator or a pain pump. The spinal cord controls all senses of pain, and the doctors try to stabilize it. Again stem cell treatment is done at times when the situation is acute.

Your doctor will hear the problems first and then ask you to do some medical tests like x-ray or MRI and blood tests. They then determine the treatment approach, but in most cases, it begins with the advice of some physical exercise, changes in sitting and sleeping patterns, and mild medication. An intense level of treatment is only done when the case is a bit complex.


It is best to visit a pain management doctor in Florida and get relief from your body pain. Neglecting the pain can cause more troubles in the future, and the treatment process can be intense with a more prolonged period. Forget the pain taking treatment at the proper time.




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